As a child, as soon as I started up the old Peugeot 103, the word "escape" rang out. Motorised vehicles became a means of expression and well-being for me. I began by exploring the country lanes and roads of the Morvan.
After higher education, followed by a number of constructive and enriching, but not exciting, professional experiences, I chose to return to the path that had thrilled me as a child by training to be a driving instructor.
My aim is to "help drivers and pilots to improve their feelings and understanding of the fundamental elements that transform the way they drive".
A motorbike and car trainer since 2009 and a Moto Gymkhana competitor at European level since 2016, I specialise in training based on the technical understanding of riding in symbiosis with the natural reactions of the motorbike. I like to learn and support people with pedagogy, simplicity, passion and respect.
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