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- https://www.morvansommetsetgrandslacs.com/

Circuit de Trail: Boucle n°1 de Glux-en-glenne
After passing through Glux-en-Glenne (you're already salivating at the thought of the return journey to the Auberge?), you enter the heart of the matter by taking the GR 13 on your right. You'll lose 150m of ascent in a short distance on a very pleasant and fun trail, often winding and stony. Be careful crossing the road after the hamlet of Echenault (KM 2). You're at the foot of Mont Beuvray, now covered in dense forest, but 2,000 years ago, the incredible Bibracte was a 200-hectare city surrounded by several ramparts, capital of the Eduens, a powerful people of Gaul and long an ally of Rome.
For further information
Circuit de Trail: Boucle n°1 de Glux-en-glenne
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